We are delighted to announce our participation in the GreenME project!

GreenME, is a ground breaking, Horizon Europe project, and an integrated multi-scalar approach for the expansion of Nature Based Interventions for enhancing mental health, wellbeing and socio-ecological benefits.

Over the next 4 years, GreenME aims to scale up the impact of #naturebasedtherapy within a comprehensive green care framework, paving the way for resilient and sustainable communities across Europe.


In January 29th to 31st, 2024 we officially launched this ambitious initiative at the Kick-off meeting held in Barcelona. Hosted by the Open University of Catalunya (UOC) and coordinated by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). The event brought together over 60 consortium members, including esteemed Advisory Board members, and the European Commission’s project officer Patrizia Tenerelli.

One aim of the GreenME-project is to cultivate a more inclusive and impactful approach to mental health and well-being. As GreenME embarks on this transformative journey, the consortium is poised to drive forward cutting-edge research, innovation, and collaboration to advance the understanding and integration of nature-based interventions in mental healthcare.

The GreenME Consortium:

In a trans-disciplinary partnership, GreenME involves six European countries, together with the UK
and the US. GreenME is led by the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB – Barcelona, Spain) and
the GreenME consortium is composed of University of Bologna (Bologna, Italy), Swedish University
of Agricultural Sciences (Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet – Uppsala, Sweden), Scandinavian Nature and Forest Therapy Institute & Shinrin-Yoku Sweden (Stockholm, Sweden), ILS Research (Research
Institute for Regional and Urban Development – Dortmund, Germany), Warsaw University of Life
Sciences (SGGW – Warsaw, Poland), Open University of Barcelona (UOC – Barcelona, Spain), OldContinent (Brussels, Belgium), NeuroLandscape Foundation (Warsaw, Poland), Gesellschaft für
Gartenbau und Therapie (GGuT – Hückeswagen, Germany), Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology
(IPIN – Warsaw, Poland), Eta Beta Cooperativa Sociale (Bologna, Italy), City ofHerne (Herne,Germany),
Spanish Association ofHorticulture and Social and TherapeuticGardening (AEHJST – Madrid, Spain),
University of Kent (Kent, UK), University of Salford (Salford, UK), Social Farms and Gardens (Bristol,
UK) and Mind in Bexley and East Kent LTD (London, UK), The US partner is Oregon Health & Science
University Portland State University School of Public Health (OHSU-PSU — Portland, Oregon).
The project will last 4 years and is funded by the Horizon Europe research and innovation programme
of the European Union.

Most welcome to follow us and read more on GreenME initiatives!

Please visit https://greenme-project.eu


#GreenME #EuropeanHorizonProject #Naturebasedinterventions #NBI #Naturebasedmentalhealth #Naturebasedhealthcare #Naturebasedscientificresearch #Greenme-project.eu

Kategorier: Projekt